We believe that housing – and access to housing – is a fundamental human right that recognizes the life and dignity of every person. One of every five families in the United States suffers from serious housing deprivation. They may live in physically inadequate buildings, suffer from severe overcrowding, or spend an excessive proportion of their income on shelter. Housing costs have increased to the point that millions of families cannot obtain decent housing unless they deprive themselves of other baseline.
In 2022, Catholic Charities Bureau, Inc. embarked on a new journey: The creation of affordable housing.
Our agency located and purchased land, and we are currently working through the process of approval and application for funding our affordable housing project. Once completed, our first housing project will house 94 workforce families. Workforce families are working families (such as teachers and first responders) who don’t earn enough money to afford decent housing. Follow our progress as we – for the first time – are going through this complex and exciting process.